6 crédits
IAE Savoie Mont Blanc
Upon completion of the module students will
- understand and be able to analyse the main goals of contemporary economics in a globalized world (programme ILOs K1 and IP1):
- be able to identify the main global imbalances and know the theory why they grow up and can be eliminated (programme ILO K1)
- be able to apply economic analysis for assessing economic situations (programme ILO S1)
- have learnt how to make managerial decisions within a given economic framework and assess the impact of economic crisis (programme ILOs K2 and T2)
Heures d'enseignement
- European and Global Economics - CMCours Magistral60h
Plan du cours
- Chapter 1: What is macroeconomics?
- Chapter 2: Macroeconomic accounts
- Chapter 3: Labour markets and unemployment
- Chapter 4:Money, prices and exchange rates in the log run
- Chapter 5: Borrowing, lending and budget constraints
- Chapter 6: Private sector demand: consumption and investment
- Chapter 7: Money and monetary policy
- Chapter 8: Macroeconomic equilibrium In the short run
- Chapter 9: International capital flows and macroeconomic equilibrium
- Chapter 10: Output, employment and inflation
- Chapter 11: Aggregate demand and aggregate supply
Compétences visées
Upon completion of the module students will
- understand and be able to analyse the main goals of contemporary economics in a globalized world (programme ILOs K1 and IP1):
- be able to identify the main global imbalances and know the theory why they grow up and can be eliminated (programme ILO K1)
- be able to apply economic analysis for assessing economic situations (programme ILO S1)
- have learnt how to make managerial decisions within a given economic framework and assess the impact of economic crisis (programme ILOs K2 and T2)
Text books:
- Burda and Wyplosz (2013) « Macroeconomics, a European text », Oxford 6th edition.
- Blanchard « Macroeconomics » any edition
- Mankiw «Macroeconomics » any edition.
Websites, blogs: