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Droit, Économie, Gestion

International semester

  • ECTS

    180 crédits

  • Langues d'enseignement



IAE offers courses in English during one semester (the fall semester), for incoming students who want to spend one semester in France without proof of proficiency in French and for French-speaking students enrolled in a complete Bachelor curriculum who wants to follow courses in English.

For a complete Bachelor curriculum, students are first invited to choose a more specific curriculum among the others presented:

Courses of French as a foreign language are also available, in the late afternoon.

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  • To propose a full English and multicultural environment to French and foreign students
  • To deliver high level courses in management
  • To create links between theoretical studies and the exercise of responsibilities in the business world
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Effectifs attendus

Date de début de la formation

Beginning of September

Date de fin de la formation

End of December


Sélectionnez un programme


A qui s'adresse la formation ?

Incoming (foreign) students and French-speaking students enrolled in a complete Bachelor curriculum who wants to follow courses in English.

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Candidater et s'inscrire

Attendus de la formation

Foreign students and French students : level B2 in english

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